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Task for tonight: Write a sufficiently conciliatory yet SCATHING WITH BRUTAL LOGIC paper on the specific issue, "Should society be more accepting of homosexuals."
Actually, it wasn't about society's acceptance of homosexuality (even though that's what the title of the article was), it was really about whether homosexuals should be congratulated for pressing lawsuits because some lesbian responded to a want ad made by two heterosexual women to find a female roommate to help them pay the brunt of the rent. Not knowing the ad-answerer was a lesbian, she moved in with them until they found out what her sexual orientation was and no longer wanted her to room with them.
Is this a matter of two hetero women thinking homosexuality is icky? Not necessarily. Maybe, just maybe, they didn't want anyone living with them who might be attracted to them, for the same reason they weren't looking for a male roomate.
So, anyways. That was what the article really was about.
And in order to present a scintillating glimpse of my literary prowess, here's a small and particularly un-PC paragraph from my paper:
"The issue of homosexuality as related to the family is a tricky one. The sociological concept of family as a means to propagate and carry on one's genetic line in order to survive, speaking in somewhat evolutionary terms, does not really fit with the homosexual concept. These and the following are, may it be known, ideas that I myself did not formulate; they are sociological theory and evolutionary theory that I cannot claim to have developed, and I do not expect any personal credit or discredit for pointing them out and stating them as the obvious. Thus, if, indeed, family is a fundamental foundation of society, helping to ensure the success of the society by producing more members to carry it beyond one generation, would that not make homosexuality counter-productive to society? Indeed, again speaking in evolutionary terms, if the Darwinian concept of survival of the fittest is taken as truth, then homosexuality is a grave step backwards on the evolutionary line of survival. While this may sound incredibly crass and unseemly to say, I ask these questions because they seem to point towards a growing trend of contradictory statements by modern education, the media, and politics on the issue of homosexuality. While it is being promoted as healthy, progressive, and natural, speaking strictly in terms of evolutionary and sociological foundational concepts, it can only be considered deviant and anything but progressive."
I feel pretty happy about this paragraph. It's rather horrendous as far as subject matter goes, and I probably could have been more or less brutal, depending on your view on the subject and how mushy-gushy-lovey you happen to be about the issue, but, after all -I'm only applying the sociological concepts of family as I was told to do for the assignment, Professor.