Category: Memories


Permalink 06:16:23 pm by cassie, Categories: Memories
Last Friday we spent the night at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Nashua, NH as a little "staycation" (as Mark says they're calling them these days). It was really only about a half an hour away from our house, but for the purposes of getting out of the house… more »


Permalink 02:34:17 pm by cassie, Categories: Memories
...Get up every morning for a goodbye at the door, even when I can sleep in ...Let him buy sardines ...Make monkey noises and mime eating bananas to make him forget that I forgot to do that crucial thing that he told me not to forget to do ...W… more »


Permalink 05:47:31 am by cassie, Categories: Memories
Apparently, the summer census has officially kicked in at work and I have been canceled for the past two days. I was originally slated to work this past Sunday until Wednesday, have Thursday off, and then back on Friday. So far, I've worked Sunday and t… more »


Permalink 03:51:18 pm by cassie, Categories: Memories
Life is busy, times are good, I am loved and employed and well fed and very, very content. I work, I come home, I clean my house and kiss my Mark when he returns from work and I'm not sure what I did before all this. School is no longer a part of my… more »


Permalink 07:33:27 am by cassie, Categories: Memories
Words like these break my heart and seep in through the cracks so I don't forget them. Words like these fill in my empty holes. Words like these reverberate in me with every step and every breath of my waking day. God's eloquence is so simple to underst… more »

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I like to multi-task: wife, writer, nurse, Christian, ne'er do well. I do all with equal gusto.


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