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Boredom to Rage: Cass Plays the "Devil's" Advocate


Boredom to Rage: Cass Plays the "Devil's" Advocate

Permalink 04:40:00 pm by cassie, Categories: Announcements [A]

Class #14 of Sociology of the Family: Choices, Relationships, and Marriage is officially a transition point.

Original approach to class = Boredom. This is my third sociology course and, boy, lemme tell you, they must not have much material in the field of sociology or something, because it's the same darn thing in every class. I could teach it if I had to. I like it and all, but, gosh. Could these profs be any more repetitive? I have nothing to take notes about, I think I may have made a 106 on the midterm, and I haven't read the book. This constitutes a problem, to me. Well. Not to me. But to the professor.

New approach to class, as of today: RAGE!!!

I hate feminism. I hate women's lib. The principles are all nice and fluffy, they served their purpose, but can't we just give it a rest? All these men are up at their pupits preaching the doctrine of "Women Good, Men Bad," and I'm sick of this pandering about.

If women wanted to even out the statistics and get as many doctorates as men, they'd do it. They get off their whiny butts, stop doing their hair in the mirrors, stop reading People mag and cooing over Orlando Bloom, and they'd go to school and make something of themselves. If you want to whine about being the same level as a man and not getting paid enough, that's one thing. Go right ahead. if you earned it, whine away. If you get your degree and work your way up, by all means, tell it like it is. Fight for your rights. But if you do nothing and expect the sympathy to pour in because you can't just get the job done without a charitable hand and some laurel wreaths, well then, lady - you have none of my sympathies.

You know why librarians are mostly women and they don't get paid as much as those men who are trash collectors, Mister Professor? You want to know why? It's because women don't want to get up at four AM, rain or shine, to haul cans of other people's garbage over their shoulders and throw them into trucks. That's why. It's because men don't want to wear cardigans and shuffle around referencing the city's oldest historical firehydrant. It's not because women couldn't get a job hauling trash. It's not because men couldn't be librarians. If either sex wanted to do either of those things, they'd do it. Bigger hurdles have been hurdled in the role-jumping world. You're comparing apples to oranges, and dangitall if I should say that you're comparing apples to tofu. COMPLETELY unrelated, and you don't even know it. Apples to tofu, man. Apples to tofu.

And another thing. Why all the whining? You know what? If a woman has to work harder to get a job than a man, well then, what's wrong with that? More kudos to her if she makes it, and kudos to her for trying if she doesn't. The world is full of difficult things. Life is difficult. Stop whining and do something about it. We're one of the wealthiest nations in the world, with probably the most liberties in the world, and where is all the revenue going? Where are the big bucks going? They're going to Hollywood, to NO-MAH Garciaparra, to watching Rob and Amber get married and I ask you, America - who the heck cares?

It's no wonder women aren't taking advantage of the glorious and copious liberties available to them. They're still just searching for their own self-worth in empty places by whoring themselves out at every corner. It's no wonder "the minorities" aren't taking advantage of the free elementary and highschool educations provided to them in all states. They're idolizing 50 Cent and wearing ridiculous basketball uniforms in everyday life. They don't because life isn't about education. Life is, instead, about sex and hedonism. Instead of trying to make something of themselves, women try to follow after these ridiculous ideals of sex and how that's somehow powerful. If all women really wanted to do was to get up as high as men on the corporate ladder, then why, when they get there, do they make it sound so darn lonely? Why do the women on Sex and The City sleep around if they're so darn happy with their lives as single and successful women? Why do aging careerwomen suddenly feel the biological tick and spend thousands on in vitro?

Why do women have a higher HIV infection rate? It's not because they're trained to be submissive by culture and expected to please their man. Oh no, that's not what culture speaks about to me. You know why they do? Because they sleep around. That's why. They don't ask questions and they don't have real men in their lives to tell them that that's not the way to find love.

Why do men on teevee always look like they're either stupid beer-drinking heehaws or faggy sensitive types? Because that's how women want them to be. So when you complain that there are no responsible, manly men, no guys to step up and be honest, hard-working, and faithful, I hope you realize that every time you stand up in class and say that all every woman really wants is a Gay Best Friend to talk to, that in some way, in some manner, you will have to eat your words on one side or the other. When you complain that all men do is drink beer after they come home, well, that's all that you asked of them. You don't want them to be the provider, you don't want them to be the head of the household, you don't want him to make decisions or help to be the leader, and so he's stepping down, and he's letting you take over.

So take over and eat your cake, ladies.


Comment from: mom [Visitor]
momI'm glad you got that out of your system. I know you tried to verbalize all that to me while I was preparing dinner, and I'm not good at thought mutitasking while I'm cooking multitasking, but I'm glad you always feel better after writing something like this out. You do don't you? Liberal education can sometimes make you crazy but you've got to put up with the balogna to get your degree. I did and it didn't hurt me NONE, now did it? :P
10/18/05 @ 17:22
Comment from: Cassie [Visitor]
CassieIt hurt you NONE, indeed. Everything I learned about being a cool lady I learned from you. Now doesn't that make you nervous? And yes, three hours later, after thirty minutes in the car listening to screamy music, after fourty minutes of subjecting you to my red-faced rantings, and after the fastest time ever in writing a two-page, double-spaced post (I clocked it at seven minutes), I feel much, much better.
10/18/05 @ 17:27
Comment from: Jenny [Visitor]
JennyCass, you are so right...that's all i have to say, cause there's nothing to add to what you already put down. Amen Sister!
10/18/05 @ 19:50
Comment from: Heidi [Visitor]
Heidi50 cent, Rob and Amber, HIV... you hit all the big'uns, cass! Ya know, I've never taken a sociology class ever. But the humanitites class I took was supposedly about american culture ended up being three months of womens lib stuides. woo doggie, i will never forget that class. if i wasn't a feminist before that class, i certainly was not one afterwards. whining is not usually successful very long when you are a little kid, so i dont see how it would benefit a cause in american grown-up culture.
10/18/05 @ 23:09
Comment from: Court [Visitor]
Court*hands a Kudos bar to Cass* Yay for rants!
10/19/05 @ 01:06
Comment from: Cassie [Visitor]
CassieThe topics just kept coming, Heidi, so I just rolled with it. Hehe. (Nice to see you stop by, Jen! :) We should hang out sometime!)
10/19/05 @ 06:04
Comment from: Marg [Visitor]
MargI certainly hope you intend to submit this diatribe as your Sociology term paper! ;-)
10/19/05 @ 07:03
Comment from: Mrs A [Visitor]
Mrs AIf she submits that, she'd probably get locked away in some lab somewhere at the school. They'd want to experiment on her brain, never seeing a woman who thought in her manner, attending Rivier College.
10/19/05 @ 07:37
Comment from: NOoC [Visitor]
NOoC[applauds] :-p
10/19/05 @ 07:39
Comment from: Jen [Visitor]
JenCass, darling, this is exactly the type of ranting I wanted to do in Pop Culture class last semester. ;-)
10/19/05 @ 09:40
Comment from: sj [Visitor]
sjCass, you're the awesomest.
10/19/05 @ 10:27
Comment from: Sar [Visitor]
SarYeah, and nice plug for the trash guys. You've always loved them, and for good reason. Give me a trash guy who takes showers over a librarian any day.
10/19/05 @ 13:30
Comment from: Joel [Visitor]
JoelAll I have to say is WOW!!!!! And most of all Thank you. Finally from the mouth of a woman herself. You said things I have been trying to say for years. So thank you so much.
10/19/05 @ 13:51
Comment from: mista A. [Visitor]
mista A. Just who is hard pressed for posts? Resorting to the old dated "feminists are misguided" semi-non-sequituar, hmmm? You are just doing that because scociety has denied you a constructive outlet for your emotions. Oh, and just so you know, the Smurf question is listed just behind Fermet's Final Theorem, and just before the "Grand Unification Theory" on the "Big List-O-Quandries" maintained at the Royal Observtory in Greenwich, England.
10/19/05 @ 14:13
Comment from: S854 [Visitor]
S854 Now, now, if we will all just sit on the floor in a big circle...
10/19/05 @ 14:14
Comment from: john [Visitor]
10/19/05 @ 14:53
Comment from: john. [Visitor]
john.oopsie. what i meant to say up there was that actually (and, ironically, i learned this in my intro to sociology) female university attendance is on the rise; not only that, but their grades are, on average, higher than men. (although it might be solely my fault that men's average is lower. i bring us men down a lot.) women, now more motivated than ever, are destined to be the next generation of barefoot housewives making me sandwiches academics and intelligated careerpeople, i think. i was also gonna say that many philosophers of the sciences are sceptical about the possibility of any fruitful, objective, social science. and, like them, you're right: they don't have much to say that they haven't already said a billion times, and they don't have much to say that can't be disproved with more stats.
10/19/05 @ 14:57
Comment from: john. [Visitor]
john.by 'they' i mean social scientists. NOT philosophers. ok. time to shut up and move on, john.
10/19/05 @ 14:59
Comment from: Cassie [Visitor]
CassieNo, that's okay. Don't shut up. :) There are so many gems of replies here that I don't know where to start. :) I have to say that this post was a lot of fun. it's like rolling back the years to 1999 and getting all riled up again. I was so mad in the class that I realized my hands were shaking as I was flailing around and making my arguments known. I walked out of class feeling a mixture of satisfaction at the release of the pent-up ideas of six weeks of classes and stress, with one of those throbbing, throbbing, throbbing headaches that only comes when your brain is boiling. I hadn't listened to any loud music for a while but I decided that might help, and it really did. I know that's a real mature, intellectual way to relieve stress, but whatever. :) John, it's funny, because I felt like I was simultaneously arguing on behalf of barefoot housewives and intelligent careerwomen. I don't understand how there's such a discrepancy between the two. Why can't a woman be educated AND a housewife? Why is it considered to be a step in the wrong direction in Christian circles if a woman wants to be very educated? And, likewise, why is it a step down in the ladder of life for a careerwoman to want to be a housewife/mom? And yes. I do love the trash guys. And yes, Dad, whatever. And Jen. I know. :) I thought of you the whole time I was writing this. :D There are a lot of whys. I like soc. I like the observations that are made.. sometimes. But I don't like or agree with many, many of the fundemental principles of it as a "science." So yes. I like your point there.
10/19/05 @ 15:11
Comment from: court [Visitor]
court>>...female university attendance is on the rise; not only that, but their grades are, on average, higher than men.<< Heh. Because it's far easier to get a good grade in "Women's Studies" or "Sociology", where the correct (multiple) answers are based upon how you feel. As opposed to say, Engineering or Astrophysics, where there's one correct answer, and it doesn't have anything to do with how you feel.
10/19/05 @ 17:28
Comment from: Cassie [Visitor]
CassieNot every woman goes into Women's Studies or Sociology though, Court.
10/19/05 @ 17:37
Comment from: Minxling [Visitor]
MinxlingHear, Hear, Cassie. I've held that viewpoint for years, and thoroughly agree. Thank you. (As an aside to the female trash collector, too, there are a lot of women who don't have or wouldn't want the muscles necessary to haul and lift big trash cans. Hmmm).
10/19/05 @ 17:48
Comment from: Mista A. [Visitor]
Mista A. Oh yeah. Just blow me off because you cannot withstand the powerful logic of my relpy. Women, heh!
10/19/05 @ 17:50
Comment from: Joel [Visitor]
JoelI read your whole thing to my roommate an he is so impressed. We both could not agree more. It was blunt, but good. If you ever ran for some office we would both vote for you.
10/19/05 @ 18:31
Comment from: Cassie [Visitor]
CassieUnfortunately, I don't think any offices are ready for me. I'm also not ready for them, but that's neither here nor there...
10/19/05 @ 18:53
Comment from: Chera [Visitor]
CheraPreach it, Cassie!
10/19/05 @ 20:42
Comment from: ~`Stine [Visitor]
~`StineYo! Engineering chick here, and even the women in Engineering are like that. "Oh, we're a minority, we deserve special treatment, we can still wear pink and look great and get good grades" ... BAH. Pink. :-P If you get special treatment, all that says is you can't do it as well as the guys can. And you know me...
10/20/05 @ 05:59
Comment from: [Visitor]
There ain't nothing wrong with a woman who nutures, NOT nags.....
10/20/05 @ 07:52
Comment from: Cassie [Visitor]
CassieIf I know anyone, lady, I surely know you.
10/20/05 @ 12:20
Comment from: Heidi [Visitor]
Heidiheh i like that. "stop nagging me!" "I'm being nurturing!" yea-yea.
10/20/05 @ 16:47
Comment from: Court [Visitor]
CourtI am aware of that, Cass. It is, indeed, merely a generalization. >>If you get special treatment, all that says is you can't do it as well as the guys can.<< Heh. Stine, I am still amazed that the affirmative action proponents still don't get that. Fools they are.
10/20/05 @ 22:27
Comment from: 'drew [Visitor]
'drewNow that we got that straight, Cass, go get me a lemonade. Extra sugar with one of those little umbrellas in it. While you're at it, make me a few finger sandwiches too.
10/21/05 @ 10:40
Comment from: Cass [Visitor]
CassDon't you wish, Drewberry. But just for you, I would.
10/21/05 @ 11:37
Comment from: mom [Visitor]
momAwww! They wuv eachother.
10/21/05 @ 16:11
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