Archives for: July 2010


Permalink 02:08:40 pm by cassie, Categories: Announcements [A]
Life is full of things I can't control. My poor little Pookie (as opposed to Mark, my big Pookie) spent the night at the hospital the other day after a week of not being able to keep down anything she ate due to a stomach bug. I was truly worried. As sh… more »


Permalink 11:09:26 am by cassie, Categories: Announcements [A]
Times have certainly changed, my friends. We've all gotten lazy with Facebooking and Tweeting and putting babies to sleep at all hours of the night. I've gotten lazy. To sit and write seems like a selfish luxury, though nothing could be further from the… more »
July 2010
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I like to multi-task: wife, writer, nurse, Christian, ne'er do well. I do all with equal gusto.


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