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Permalink 06:40:00 pm by cassie, Categories: Announcements [A]

And we skid over the slick surface of our unhappiness,
Acting as if we're high on this veneer of smiles.
From one minute to the next our facets shift,
A different face for every form for every moment.
Breathless nights and chilly mornings,
Pour our coffee on our laps and forget that it burns.

Skating lightly over the floors,
The floor...
Candy coating over a whore.
Are we who we say we are?
When you peel back the skin,
We're still the same old dirt.

Follow me home, the lights are out, please, God, not the darkness.
I can't see and I can't hear when these thoughts don't go away -
At my age the monsters don't lurk inside the trees.
All I can hear is Your voice, can You please speak a little softer?
The tension breaks when I'm all alone when I'm lost,
Suddenly it's not we it's just me and oh I need You.

Skating over the floors,
The floor...
Candy coating over a whore.
Am I who I say I am?
When you peel back the skin,
I'm still the same old dirt.


Comment from: Cassie [Visitor]
CassieI guess I scared all the groupies off. :P
10/06/03 @ 13:15
Comment from: Mark [Visitor]
Mark....heh...groupie....heh... I'm not a groupie, I'm...a roadie...yeah...
10/06/03 @ 13:16
Comment from: Cassie [Visitor]
CassieYeah. You're definitely a roadie, Mark. I should make you an "I'm with the Band" tee shirt. Only there is no band. So I guess.. that wouldn't.. make much.. sense.
10/06/03 @ 13:58
Comment from: Mark [Visitor]
MarkHow about, "If Cassie had a band, I would SO be with it." Heh. :D
10/06/03 @ 20:33
Comment from: Sarah [Visitor]
Sarah'tis true, of me. halloween has me creeped, as usual, as the dark side comes out of the closet, into the light. picturing the witches brewing up curses against Him, and Him with a lantern, seeking them in their night, is difficult. the kicker comes in self-times, and I see myself shutting Him out. it's staggering when I see myself perched on a pew, shutting Him out. you'd think - but no.... in no situation am I good of myself, least of all, when He is good through me. studying eternal security is the same. none of us is good, and none of us could keep us faithful. He must keep us faithful - every bit of keeping, His own work. that is why they say, 'by their fruits, ye shall know them.' saved people bring forth fruit that HE grows, not that they do. unsaved people bring forth fruit that they grow. you can be fruitless for a time and a times...but He gets you in that half a time. sometimes when others see us at our worst, He is working His best. when they see the best, He may be at our worst. judging others - that's hard to see.... but judging self? I know my own sinfulness, which is why, when I see good actions come from me, I confirm what I know to be true by His word. My belief, through faith He gave me, has made it possible for Him to save and keep me. sounds like a paragraph of doctrines... 'tis life and peace. cannot imagine living without that rest. could never be a Christian - even believing He made me one - if He did not keep me one. everywhere I turn, I see His preciousness, even when I turn to myself. I can only stay so long there, and so He brings me to praise.
10/31/03 @ 09:24
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I like to multi-task: wife, writer, nurse, Christian, ne'er do well. I do all with equal gusto.


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