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This Blog Dedicated To Sarah Jo


This Blog Dedicated To Sarah Jo

Permalink 05:25:00 pm by cassie, Categories: Announcements [A]

Of whom I thought about just a few moments ago after accidentally downloading Ewan MacGregor singing, "Come What May" instead of my intended Ted Leo And the Pharmacists song, and whose absence suddenly struck me with such force all of a sudden that my eyeballs welled up and nearly rolled down my face with the tears. I do miss her terribly. I have no one to make faces at from the choir 'loft' at church. Nobody to snag after service to gab with. Nobody to have accompany me, as an extra sister, for Sunday afternoon paloozas. Nobody to be The Only Girl with me at the predominantly male paloozas.

I don't know. I really wish I didn't have a microbiology exam to take tomorrow or, preferably, I'd be up all night talking to her on the phone. If she would let me, anyhow.

Missing you dreadfully, SJ...


Comment from: sj [Visitor]
sjOh, Cass! I miss you terribly, also. I like it here now, but it's just not the same as being with you. You're my bestest friend ever!! On Saturday, there will only be 6 weeks till I'm home!! Love you Cass!!
10/06/05 @ 12:21
Comment from: NOoC [Visitor]
NOoCAww... :-/ Poor Cass! Poor SJ! (The south has stolen her! MUA HA HA)
10/09/05 @ 12:56
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I like to multi-task: wife, writer, nurse, Christian, ne'er do well. I do all with equal gusto.


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