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I Just Did My Taxes


I Just Did My Taxes

Permalink 08:53:59 am by cassie, Categories: Announcements [A]

I'm a Big Girl.

I'm trying to decide what to do next - wash dishes, do laundry, read a book, eat ramen, lounge around, buy a pair of sneakers so I don't have to wear my MRSA-laden hospital sneakers around town, or clean out my entire closet of junk I haven't touched in an entire year of marriage.

Maybe ramen THEN closet.

I love my days off. Even taxes are fun when you do them sitting on your own couch with a cup of coffee and Radiohead playing in surround sound.


Comment from: mom [Visitor] Email
momI cleaned out one of the bathroom drawers today and threw away all my 80's velvet hair bows. I'm a big girl too!
02/19/08 @ 10:38
Comment from: sj [Visitor] Email
sjYay! No more velvet 80's bows! Eating Ramen! Taxes! Isn't life fun?
02/19/08 @ 19:59
Comment from: Heidi [Visitor] Email
Heidii vote taxes and ramen and never get to the closet until the second year of marriage when you move into the next place!!
02/19/08 @ 21:48
Comment from: Jen [Visitor] Email
JenI think taxes suck. If Tom and I were living together, we'd get so much more back. But the government punishes married couples without children. If we were married filing seperately, we'd have to PAY 2000. Since we are married filing jointly, we only get back 27 dollars. If Tom was filing by himself he'd get 1,600 BACK.

Stoopid government.
02/20/08 @ 05:09
Comment from: cassie [Member]
cassieNo joke, Nej, no joke. It's all dependent on how much you make but with all this other weird stuff factored in. I do have to say that the whole TurboTax thing was way less painful than I had envisioned. Not bad at all.

And I definitely didn't do the closet. I took one look at it, pulled out one box, and put it back in again. hehe. :)
02/20/08 @ 14:46
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