Archives for: March 2012


Permalink 12:21:00 pm by cassie, Categories: Announcements [A]
So facebook statii are fun for quick quips but this morning truly deserves to be expounded upon. Backing up to yesterday, I woke up at 5AM, as I do most every mornings, after yet another night of my snorting four month old waking up and giving me the st… more »


Permalink 09:25:00 am by cassie, Categories: Announcements [A]
That I am content in all things, but with one piece of news, I am kept awake for nights on end, burning with coveting for things I will probably never have? I am thankful I feel like I can live with very little to be happy, but sometimes the things I co… more »
March 2012
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I like to multi-task: wife, writer, nurse, Christian, ne'er do well. I do all with equal gusto.


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