Archives for: October 2008


Permalink 03:22:44 pm by cassie, Categories: Announcements [A]
I got my fill of the last warm days today by opening up the windows in the apartment, letting the wind sweep out the musty smells that have accumulated, and mercilessly cleaning house as if my life depended on it. With the onset of baby-induced fatigue… more »


Permalink 02:10:47 pm by cassie, Categories: Announcements [A]
After much waiting due to the home-grown operation that is Reese and Amy Roper shipping all the albums themselves, Mark and I finally got our copy of Brave Saint Saturn's new album, Anti-Meridian, the third in their space trilogy. Our late shipment came… more »
October 2008
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I like to multi-task: wife, writer, nurse, Christian, ne'er do well. I do all with equal gusto.


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